Chinamxx 使用说明
Introduction of Chinamxx
1. 输入chinamaxx的网址: (access the address:
2. 如果您是ip用户,输入网址后将看到这样的页面,请点击进入首页;
You will see this page when input the Web site if you are the IP user. Click it to the Home page.
You will see this page if you are the account user. Please input the account and the password .
3. 进入chinamaxx之后,您将看到他的首页
You will see the home page after you access to chinamaxx.
4. 超星公司为用户提供了两种方式获取图书,如果您已经知道了该书的书名、作者、ISBN等任何信息,请在上面的检索栏中直接输入进行检索;如果您只是想寻找与您的研究课题相关的图书,请根据下面的各个小分类来进行挑选,我们提供了多级分类信息,相信一定找到您需要的书。
Superstar provides two methods to find out the books. You can input the title of the book, the author, ISBN, and so any information, directly in the search bar above if you already know one of these. Please according to the following categories if you just want to find the related books with your research topic. We have provided multi-level classified information; I believe you can find the books you need.
5. 用户点击图书封面或书名,可直接在线阅读图书,不需要任何软件、插件。
Users can read every book directly by clicking on the cover or the title of the book, and don’t need to download any plug-in and software .
通过点击页面获得jpg 阅读
By clicking on the page to access the jpg reading.
Ie 阅读 :下载插件并运行,
IE reading : download and run the Plug-in .
6. ocr 功能,是用来摘录文字的
ocr function: to extract the text . For example:
7. 个人用户注册、收藏功能
Individual Registration、collection
In order to facilitate the readers, we have designed a personal library that could collect the interesting books to the user's own library, facilitate to access and use it.
注册: 在chinamaxx首页的右上角有一个 individual registration 的功能,请点击注册
Registration: there is a function of individual registration in the upper right corner of chinamaxx, please click on and register.
注册后会直接跳转到一个已经填好您的账号和密码的页面,请直接点击 “用户登陆”即可
It will jump to the page directly, which has fill out your account number and password which you just fill in .please click on the button of " user login" .
如果您已经注册过个人用户,请在首页直接点击“logout” 按钮,进入上面的页面,填写账号和密码登陆。
If you are already the registered users, please click directly on the
first page "logout" button to enter the top of the page, fill out the account
number and password to login
个人图书馆 :个人图书馆登陆后,在右侧的功能栏,会出现“My library”按钮,当用户看到自己需要的书时,可以选择“收藏”按钮, 例如:《中国人口与环境 第二辑》这本书就会自动添加到“My library”
Personal library: there will be "My library" button in the right side when you have access to personal library .Click the "collection" button to collect the books users need. For example:《中国人口与环境 第二辑》will be automatically added to "My library"
7. 您也可以点击中转页面的“FAQs”按钮来查找解决方案,或者直接联系我们。
You can also click on the "FAQs" button of the interim page to find solutions, or contact us directly.